Environmental Artivism

I describe myself as an environmental artivist. I am an artist creating wearable and decorative pieces to raise awareness about environmental issues I am concerned about, using art as a communication tool and jewellery pieces as conversation starters.

My pieces are mainly about the state of the oceans and the incessant plundering of marine life. I refer to petitions as a call for action when deemed likely to have a positive impact.

Not all my works bear an environmental message though, as I also need to explore other themes and techniques to keep growing as an artist. However here are the pieces I developed over the years with this mindset:

Bronze sculpture entitled Respect representing a school of fish

‘Respect' - 2015
(bronze sculpture, patina)

The sculpture was inspired by visits to Newfoundland, Canada, where I discovered the history of cod fishing and the social impact of the 1992 Cod Moratorium decreed after decades of overfishing.

Collection of twelve pieces of jewellery inspired by the theme of overfishing

The Overfishing Collection - 2020
(mixed metals, enamel, paint, patina)

In 2020, an Instagram challenge invited makers to develop a statement piece each month for 12 months. I decided that my jewellery would make a statement each month communicating messages about issues related to overfishing practices.

1.'Enough' of plundering the oceans for profit

2.'Dredging' about the impact of the practice on the ocean floor left lifeless after being dredged

3.'Before/After' illustrating the impact of industrial fishing

4.'Catch me of you can 1 and 2' are odes to  seafarers

5.'Gone fishing' is an ode to community seafarers

6.'The sushi of shame' is about whaling in Japan still ongoing and disguised as 'research' despite worldwide ban and condemnation

7.'A world without fish' illustrating the impact of overfishing based on Mark Kurlansky's book of the same title

8.'1992' about the Cod Moratorium

9.'Chain and anchor'

10.'Stop finning' calling on stopping the shark fin trade decimating the shark populations at unprecedented rates

11.'Treasure' highlighting the need to treasure the marine life that is left before it's too late

12.'10 endangered species of fish' showing the impact of overfishing on the most consumed fish species

Jewellery pieces inspired by sharks

The Shark Collection - 2020 ongoing
(mixed metals, patina)

The collection started with the 'Stop Finning' torc developed for the above challenge to illustrate the devastating effects of sharks being killed at unprecedented rates for their fins ending up in Asian status, cosmetics and many other products (when plant-based alternatives already exist).

Four bronze bangles with shark pattern cut outs

I decided to develop more pieces to celebrate those wonderful creatures often demonized by pop culture as man-eating when they are simply the apex predator in the oceans and play a vital role in the equilibrium of marine ecosystems.